

MPM-based assessment of potential failure modes and dam break for tailings storage facilities.

This research thrust assesses the potential of the material point method (MPM) framework to inform potential failure models and run-out assessments in dam break assessments of tailings storage facilities.

Sample publications:


Sensing technology for in-situ saturation measurement in tailings and waste residuals.

This research thrust investigates the potential of sensing technology based on sensors and techniques such as imaging spectroscopy to assess in-site measurement on challenging geomaterials such as mine tailings and waste residuals.


NMR-based assessment of water content and saturation conditions on mine tailings.

This research thrust investigates the potential of using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) at different scales (laboratory and field) to assess the water content and saturation conditions of challenging geomaterials such as mine tailings and waste residuals.


Assessment of the mechanical response of tailings and waste residuals under high stresses.

This research thrust investigates the mechanical response of mine tailings and waste residuals at large stresses. The goal is to provide practical recommendations for incorporating the caveats on how these materials respond under large stresses in engineering practice.


Assessing layering effects in mine tailings and waste residuals

This research investigates the effects of layering on mine tailings and waste residuals after they are deposited. The goal is to provide practical recommendations for incorporating these effects in engineering practice, as current guidelines are lacking.